
A Linux bash command line vocabulary

AadduserAdd a user to the systemaddgroupAdd a group to the systemaliasCreate an aliasaproposSearch Help manual pages (man -k)apt-getSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)aptitudeSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)aspellSpell CheckerawkFind and Replace text, database sort/validate/indexBbasenameStrip directory and suffix from filenamesbashGNU Bourne-Again...

Setting up DirectFB GTK# to a RaspberryPi w/t touchscreen

RaspberryPi is a well established tiny-pc which is worldwide used for prototyping as well as mini DYI projects. In this tutorial we will explain step-by-step how to setup the raspberryPI with a touchscreen and install some useful libraries for writing simple and nice GUI applications. PS: For sure there are several other libraries that can be used to write graphical applications such as QT etc...

Find the Elapsed Time using Monotonic Clocks in Linux

When a linux program requires measuring elapsed time, you need an individual timer to perform this task. This timer should be independent even if the user changes the time on the system clock. In Linux there are several different implementations for different cases (): CLOCK_REALTIMESystem-wide realtime clock. Setting this clock requires appropriate privileges.CLOCK_MONOTONICClock that cannot be...

Using Sockets with C++

Linux sockets are always a useful tool for an application. In the simplest terms, a socket is a pseudo-file that represents a network connection. Once a socket has been created (using the proper primitives, and the proper parameters to identify the other host), writes to the socket are turned into network packets that get sent out, and data received from the network can be read from the socket...

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