How to use EEPROM M24256 with STM32 microcontroller

In this post we will see how we can use the M24256 EEPROM to read and write data with an STM32 microcontroller. The complexity of those operations are really minimal as long as the provided HAL libraries generated by STM32CubeIDE basically does most of this job. Our main idea is to safely read and write data to M23256 by considering the delays that this chip may have and ensuring our operations...

I2C Bitbanging for Embeded Systems

Interacting with I2C devices is usually done with a microcontroller and an I2C library, but sometimes either the microcontroller is not supporting I2C or you have some other restrictions which do not allow you to use the provided I2C library. For that reason you can always Bitbang the I2C protocol a.k.a emulate the behavior of this protocol by manually toggling the pins. The following example is...

Using ST’s I2C EEPROM 24C16 with Freescale SKEAZ128LH4

The I²C bus is the most popular of the three current serial EEPROM protocols because of its simplicity, high signal density, and unique write protect (WP) pin characteristics. This illustration shows the typical pin-out of an I²C device with pins 1 through 3 as address pins A0, A1, and A2. Pin 4 is designated as ground, Vcc, while pin 5 is the data line, SDA. The clock signal SCL is at pin 6, pin...

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