
Pentapod Robot Stretching using IK Algorithm

After almost 2 months of hard work… the results of the five legged (pentapod) robotic platform are acceptable. For the development of this all-terrain robotic platform, i am using two ARM Cortex M4 microcontrollers using a Real-time Operating System (RTOS) as well as a simple sensory system. The communication between the microcontrollers was established using the Controller Area Network...

Global Robotics Technology Market

Robotics technology is used in a wide range of industries including automotive, healthcare, aerospace, infrastructure and defense. They can be used for numerous activities The increasing need of automation solutions is a factor that drives the international market. Manufacturers are increasingly opting for process automation, owing to the rise in labor costs and market competition. A dynamic rise...

Autonomous Robots and Application Types

Robots are mechanical or virtual artificial agents, usually electro-mechanical machines which are controlled by a computer program or electronic circuitry. There are separated into different categories depending on their functionality. Most popular robots are placed in hazardous places because these robots perform the tasks that humans are not able to access. Some robots(autonomous robots) can...

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