
Android bottom navigation menu example using activities

Android design supports library that provides a Bottom Navigation Bar where is an important widget in the Android application. Is a simpler way to look between 3 to 5 screens, if you have more than 5 screens is better to use slide navigation drawer. Mostly, used fragments in navigation view to load different screens based on the user selection the usage of Fragments with Navigation may lead to...

How to find anagrams and count the most frequent in a string array in Java

The first step is to create a function that compares two input strings, if those strings are an anagram the function will return true or if its not it will return false. Let’s name our function boolean isAnagram(String string1, String string2). Of course, if we compare those strings as they are we can’t find out if they are anagrams, so there is a need to process a little bit those string in a...

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