Calling a method from a string in C# (dynamic method invocation)


We are often used to call methods dynamically. You can invoke methods of a class instance using reflection, doing a dynamic method invocation. The following code snipped presents an easy way of invocation in C#.

public void Execute(string methodName, object[] args)
   if (GetType().GetMethod(methodName)) != null)
      MethodInfo method = GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
      method.Invoke(this, new object[] { arg });


public void myMethod(object[] arg)

What is invocation?

For a method invocation, the primary-expression of the invocation-expression must be a method group. The method group identifies the one method to invoke or the set of overloaded methods from which to choose a specific method to invoke. In the latter case, determination of the specific method to invoke is based on the context provided by the types of the arguments in the argument-list.

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