This example contains a simple STM32CubeMX + Atollic project based on the STM32F7-Disco board which is able to transmit a CANbus Frame. On top of that the board has a really basic GUI with touchscreen capabilities to activate/deactivate the transmission and of course give a feedback of the procedure. You can freely use alter copy this project but keep in mind that it is a sample and not commented...
C# Flexible API for PEAK-CAN USB (PCANBasic)
There are several USB-to-CAN devices, however for developers usually there is limited support (at least free) and when you have to do things quick could lead to unexpected problems. For that reason, and due to the fact that nowadays several devices are using CANBuses below is a quick-n-dirty way to interface your PC application to a CANbus. In this post, you will find a simple yet effective way...
STM32 Firmware Upgrade Through CANbus
Using the the current project aims to update a board through CANbus. The workflow: The first board has a firmware loaded into the SD Card. At the beginning it requests to transmit the firmware through CANbus. If the second board accepts the request, then the firmware is transmitted through the CANBus to the SD Card of the client. After the completion of the firmware transfer process, the system...
CANBus library for STM32F779-Eval board
The Controller Area Network (CAN, also known as CAN Bus) is a vehicle bus standard designed to allow electronic control units and devices to communicate with each other in applications without a host computer. STM32F779-Eval board has 3 CAN interfaces, however only the two of them have their own clock (master). For that reason the following library provides some C methods to activate and use...