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How to find anagrams and count the most frequent in a string array in Java

The first step is to create a function that compares two input strings, if those strings are an anagram the function will return true or if its not it will return false. Let’s name our function boolean isAnagram(String string1, String string2). Of course, if we compare those strings as they are we can’t find out if they are anagrams, so there is a need to process a little bit those string in a...

STM32 Firmware Upgrade Through CANbus

Using the  the current project aims to update a board through CANbus. The workflow: The first board has a firmware loaded into the SD Card. At the beginning it requests to transmit the firmware through CANbus. If the second board accepts the request, then the firmware is transmitted through the CANBus to the SD Card of the client. After the completion of the firmware transfer process, the system...

STM32 Firmware Upgrade

Usually a firmware upgrade of the STM32FXXX boards are is not an easy task for customers. They have to plug the board and use several different tools to flash the memory. For that reason i have made a simple, effective and easy way to upgrade your firmware using an SD Card. The upgrade task is simple, just write your firmware in the first sector of the SD Card (use HxD application to perform this...

Compiling C# code at runtime

Occasionally we might come across a problem which lends itself well to the idea of C# code being compiled at runtime. The .NET Framework includes a mechanism called the Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) that enables developers of programs that emit source code to generate source code in multiple programming languages at run time, based on a single model that represents the code to render...

Robotics & Autonomous Robots

In the last three decades, the field of robotics knows great flourish and acceptance, both at research level and application in everyday life.  Nowadays, the rapid evolution appears from the applications and the deployment of almost all over the world and from the research results. Countries such as Japan, US and Western and Eastern European countries, which have made significant progress to...

CAN Frames Echoing Thread for STM32F779-Eval board

Sometimes, we need an easy way to test and verify that our board works correctly, especially if we are using breadboards and cables. The following simple FreeRTOS thread is able to echo each incoming CAN frame. To use this thread you must enable FreeRTOS using the ST’s CubeMX software which will generate the appropriate startup source code and afterwards you have to include some extra...

CAN frames buffer (received by interrupt) for STM32F779-Eval board

In a previous post we saw a simple CAN library to handle the CAN interfaces of STM32 board. However one basic issue that we had to solve is the frames buffering (especially when we receive the frames). This issue came up by the processing time that each frame needs and the limitation that the receive interrupt routine should be as fast as possible. For that reason, the following source code...

Self-Adaptive Orchestration of energy efficiency capabilities In Heterogeneous Systems

Dynamic resources allocation has become even more attractive as a research direction with commodity computing gaining momentum and bringing new requirements regarding elasticity and flexibility and with the growing importance of cloud computing.  The aim is to deliver high-performance computational while leveraging on other aspects, such as energy consumption. Admittedly, heterogeneity comes at...

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