RaspberryPi is a well established tiny-pc which is worldwide used for prototyping as well as mini DYI projects. In this tutorial we will explain step-by-step how to setup the raspberryPI with a touchscreen and install some useful libraries for writing simple and nice GUI applications. PS: For sure there are several other libraries that can be used to write graphical applications such as QT etc...
Simple data buffering/streaming algorithm – helper functionality
In this tutorial, a simple but useful data buffering/streaming algorithm is presented. It is not optimal but easy to understand and modify according to your needs… This library assumes that we need to use a big amount of data in a memory limited system. The library handles the all the data transferring procedure in a way that the user is able to easily get the amount of data without...
Simple sequential execution scheduling windows script
Windows CMD (Command Line) supports an easy way to automate some task. This can be archived by creating *.bat files and edit them using a simple text editor. The syntax is something that can be found easily by searching. Below is a simple script which can be used to schedule the execution of applications in a sequential way. It means that the .bat script will wait for the X application to finish...
Funny C# app for Mouse Faking
The purpose of this application is just for fun. It started initially by figuring out a way to fake skype that you are in front of your PC but also to randomly create a picture. The application takes control of your mouse and start drawing random pixels in the main area of the window thus generating mouse position and click events.
Below is a sample picture as well as the binary:
How to write data to the internal FLASH memory of an STM32
There is a common practice of today’s embedded systems to perform firmware upgrade using custom procedures in order to support different communication protocols during the data transfer such as (KWP2000 etc). For that reason the stock STM bootloader(DFU) is not useful and the development should proceed by creating a custom bootloader that supports the requested functionalities as well as...
HackRF – How to unlock an old Ford Fiesta (remote control)
HackRF One is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) peripheral capable of transmission or reception (half-duplex) of radio signals from 1MHz to 6GHz. This device is mostly designed for testing and development of modern and next generation radio technologies. It is an open source hardware platform that can be used as a USB peripheral or programmed for stand-alone operation. In the following experiment, i...
Extended functionalities of File Read/Write in C#
Messing around with files, i found that i needed some extra functionalities when i Read/Write in a (binary) file. For example i need to read a specific block of bytes with an offset (if exists – not out of bound) as well as write a given block of bytes to a certain address and select if the current block will override the existing data etc… Unfortunately, some of those functionalities...
STM32 DiscoF7 Simple CAN Frame Transmitter + GUI
This example contains a simple STM32CubeMX + Atollic project based on the STM32F7-Disco board which is able to transmit a CANbus Frame. On top of that the board has a really basic GUI with touchscreen capabilities to activate/deactivate the transmission and of course give a feedback of the procedure. You can freely use alter copy this project but keep in mind that it is a sample and not commented...
HTTP-Request abstraction in C#
There are several ways to perform HTTP GET, POST.. requests in C#. The following example is using the legacy HttpRequest Class provided by .NetFramework without adding one more additional dependency (Nuget Packages) for something that works really well in .NET implementation and is usually unnecessary for small hobby projects but also not a good practice in professional projects. WebRequest and...
Thread-safe singleton class in C# (use it instead of static..but not always)
Static and Singleton are very different in their usage and implementation. So we need to wisely choose either of these two in our projects.Singleton is a design pattern that makes sure that your application creates only one instance of the class anytime. It is highly efficient and very graceful. Singletons have a static property that you must access to get the object reference. However, singleton...