AuthorIo. D

Problem: Binary Gap

A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N. For example, number 9 has binary representation 1001 and contains a binary gap of length 2. The number 529 has binary representation 1000010001 and contains two binary gaps: one of length 4 and one of length...

How to use EEPROM M24256 with STM32 microcontroller

In this post we will see how we can use the M24256 EEPROM to read and write data with an STM32 microcontroller. The complexity of those operations are really minimal as long as the provided HAL libraries generated by STM32CubeIDE basically does most of this job. Our main idea is to safely read and write data to M23256 by considering the delays that this chip may have and ensuring our operations...

Interactive Linear Regression application in WPF C#

In this post we will see a simple application in C# implementing the linear regression algorithm on a set of data created by the user. A linear regression is one of the easiest statistical models in machine learning. Linear regressions can be used in business to evaluate trends and make estimates or forecasts, It is used to show the linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more...

Use the NAND Flash Memory ( MT29F2G01ABAGDWB-IT) with STM32

In this post, you will find a simple, yet easy to use middleware to interface the NAND Flash Memory MT29F2G01ABAGDWB-IT with an STM32 microcontroller using QUADSPI communication . The Micron NAND Flash devices are available in different configurations and densities to fit your project’s needs. It uses SPI and it is a good an alternative solution to SPI NOR, offering superior write...

Firmware upgrade of ESP WROOM-02 to support MQTT AT commands

ESP WRoom 02 is a low-power 32-bit MCU Wi-Fi module, based on the ESP8266 chip. It uses a 2 MB SPI flash connected to HSPI, working as SDIO/SPI slave, with the SPI speed being up to 8 Mbps and it is fully certified by Wi-Fi Alliance, SRRC, FCC, CE ( RED ), TELEC, IC & KCC. The only downside of this awesome wifi module is the lack of stock firmware capabilities. Unfortunately the delivered AT...

Lumen configuration of JWT authentication

Following up our previous post Getting started with Lumen 7.0.x and JWT authentication, we will present how to properly configure the authentication package we installed. Most of this tutorial also applies in Laravel framework as long as Lumen is a minimal implementation of it. For this tutorial we will recap some parts. First of all we need the following two packages to be installed via...

Getting started with Lumen 7.0.x and JWT authentication

Lumen is the perfect solution for building micro-services based on PHP. In this tutorial, we will build a simple and secure REST API. At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to build production-ready JWT (authentication) template for lumen which will help you build your own APIs. So, let’s get started! In this tutorial we will use WAMP to host our micro-service. We assume that you...

Using Bluetooth communication in C#

Bluetooth is a useful communication method especially in the era of IOT. Several devices around the house have a build-in buetooth transceiver and most of them provide really useful capabilitites to automate jobs. For example, imaging your wakeup in the morning, Your alarm clock rings and the coffe machine starts preparing the coffe. Unfortunately these automated procedures are not yet available...

Simple WCF service hosted in Windows service

WFC services are a good way to spit a complex and demanding application into smaller parts and use more system resources, but not only. In the literature there are several information why you should use WFC (ex: Distributed apps in a local network etc)… In this example you will find a complete Visual studio project which hosts a wcf service inside a windows service. Our service has two...

Providing ISO 3166 as a micro-service using lumen

ISO 3166 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, special areas of geographical interest, and their principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states). The official name of the standard is Codes for the...

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